Draper vs Competitors: What’s the Difference?

People frequently ask me what is the difference between Draper products and other therapeutic products, such as Back on Track and the slightly lesser known, Lux.

My answer of “it’s just better” didn’t satisfy me or them and I needed to find out the science behind what specifically makes Draper different.

Here’s your answer!!!

When it comes to product knowledge for our Competitors Product, I don’t have any more information than you do. Based on what info is on their site, their products are made with a ceramic fiber (Welltex) that works off energy transfer through radiation. This is directly from their site: “Radiation occurs when a source emits radiation, where upon it collides with another surface and heats it. Competitors Product work with radiant warmth, the purpose of which is to avoid trapping the warmth through insulation. This is so that the protection has a respiratory function, while energy in the body tissues increases.”

While I see no mention of anything therapeutic other than ceramic in the Welltex fabric, Celliant is comprised of 13 safe, naturally occurring, thermo-reactive minerals for their unique properties and combined them into a patented and clinically proven formula.

Some of the minerals include:

•Titanium Dioxide selected for its photocatalyst (light absorbing) properties

•Silicone Dioxide selected for its energy reflection and absorption properties

•Aluminum Oxide selected for its ability to increase reflectivity

Also, products containing Celliant are clinically proven to enhance tissue oxygen levels (hence the bit about speeding up muscle recovery). This natural, biological process improves circulation resulting in an average increase in tissue oxygenation of 7%. The result is that your body uses oxygen more efficiently. Because it’s made of a blend of minerals and not solely ceramic, Celliant acts as a thermoregulator, not only a heat reflector (⭐️that accounts for the wearers being able to stay cooler underneath the garments⭐️).

Celliant is also FDA approved!


Noisy Cricket has taken over the roll of babysitter! She’s been escorting the youngsters around the property. #grownup She’s also been putting out some Grade A work in the ring. We finally have those elusive walk canter transitions! #everydooropened I can die happy now😉

Saving Grace “Gracie” is a lot of fun to ride. No naughtiness at all. She’s barely green broke, doing walk trot with basic steering. So now it’s time for her to be with my smaller working student to walk and trot hills for a couple weeks to build up some muscle before we go back to ring work. Her first time in the big, open hay field and she didn’t put a foot wrong!

Our other riding youngster, Popstar, is blowing me away with his newfound maturity. He’s handling new riders with such profound confidence that it actually leaves me speechless. He’s hacking around the property like a seasoned horse….utterly astounding. He makes me smile ear to ear watching him march ahead of us. He lead the way today! #eagerbeaver He and Gracie will be spending the summer hacking with my two working students. #getoutofthering

Silicon “Sili” is coming along well and I am SO excited about her future. Talk about being made for dressage. The girl can MOVE!

Stay tuned for more updates ✌🏻️

May Clinic 2018

My trainer and mentor came up to teach a clinic. Hallelujah, he’s back!

I gave Izzy this clinic off as I haven’t been riding her more than once a week. She’s not upset 😉 I did, however, sneak in the lovely 4yo (Sir Donnerhall II x Rohdiamant) I’ve been training and his owner was gracious about the last minute addition.

Literally, the best ride I’ve ever had on him. It was definitely a breakthrough ride.

The barn is at a point where it’s looking sharp and running well and every person who visits seems to be extra happy and we all hang out in the barn and chat about how fantastic our rides were and their own personal “ah ha!” moments in their rides.

It was one of the best clinics and such a great feeling to see every person beaming in the barn!

My trainer has such a wonderful view on training and ways to get through and how he sees energy. I cannot recommend him enough.

Permanent Residency

Can we all agree that, speaking strictly weather, March was awful! That darn groundhog was correct and had the right idea of going back into his hole.

The beginning of April really wasn’t much better but the world keeps turning and life waits for no one.

That being said….

Kennedy Dressage has an announcement! We have some really big and wonderful things happening this year!!

First of all, Final Decision Farm will officially be our permanent residence for training and sales!!! Woohoo! This gorgeous facility is our horses home for good!💫

As a trainer it’s very important to find a place to grow deep roots. Lots of times we bounce around looking for the right set up. It can be extremely stressful not knowing how long you’ll be in one place. Add it to the list of reasons I am so grateful to be here at Final Decision Farm.

I am over the moon excited. there will be a lot of updates, time consuming updates, but you are going to LOVE it when it’s done.

A sneak preview of my current project in the main barn


The main barn is one of a kind, designed by the owners. The fresh espresso paint and gold finials make me feel calm, warm and peaceful, which is exactly how I want the atmosphere here.

It’s a lot of work and taking extra time because, let’s face it, my life is busy! So I de-dust, de-rust, and paint when I can.

Secondly, this means that, when I am satisfied with the progress I’ve made, the main barn will be available for me to put clients in! Well, their horses….the owners don’t get stalls😉

Some other fantastic updates are opening another tackroom in the main barn that will be KD specific. I’m stoked! The room is nothing short of perfect. Window, desk, space, maybe we will put in a couch! The possibilities are endless. #littlekidinacandystoreexcited

I hope everyone is ready because I’ve got plans. Big, spacious, beautiful, eventful plans. 💛

Silence is Golden

With so much turmoil in the world of social media, a lot of us are losing patience for the sharing of absurd memes, people who choose to comment on a comment, or make the post about themselves. High school kids are joining forces and demanding change. Some people are doing homework for the rest of us and finding out if a post is credible or full of crap.

Change is happening and it’s amazing to watch.

The horse world is starting to draw out the peace makers and put a stop to online bullying. Someone (Commenter 8, we will call them) had to tried to criticize and “educate” (😂) another commenter (Commenter 1).

Can you believe that 8 was in disagreement with 1’s feeling compassion towards a scared rider? I know! Craziness.

The line “people need to toughen up” needs to hit the road. Not everyone is built like a refrigerator and can handle a bad fall and bounce right back, physically or mentally. Everyone is different and we really need to be open to changing our initial reactions to things that we might not agree with.

News flash: It’s OK to not want to get hurt. Technically horseback riding is an elitist sport but what about the people who want to casually trail ride? That surely isn’t elitist and we don’t expect them to ride the way professionals do. Risk is what we take when we mount up, everyone knows. However, not feeling sympathy for a terrified rider and/or horse, perhaps you are the one not belonging in this changing atmosphere of horses.

Trust and believe this world is changing course and we are losing patience with those who can’t keep their mouths shut if they have nothing nice to say.

Maybe we should all try to meditate for 5 minutes a day and see how it feels to simply be quiet.

Remember, folks, silence is golden.

Noisy Cricket💛

2018. New saddle (Custom Saddlery, sing ‘hallelujah’) new girth, new quarter sheet (Draper), new polos (Draper), new bell boots.

New, new, new, new, new!

Most things have been upgraded. She deserves it. Iz tries so damn hard for me and she KNOWS she melts my little, shriveled heart when she nickers at me.

Cordelia is growing every other day. Some days she looks like Quasimodo and can’t seem to get her heavy legs off the ground with a neck stuck deep in her shoulder while other days she looks like the perfect, super athletic sport horse.

Popstar is really coming along. He used to run away from people, not exaggerating. Now he runs towards them, under saddle, with me. This week, we decided that CLEARLY he is properly socialized and we can back off the reward system of approaching strangers and friends😂 Walk, trot, canter, he quickly learned each lead. “NBD”, he said. Onward we go🏎

Farouche is still a pleasure to sit on and is now at a point where she can teach her mom. Always, always this horse puts out a good effort.

Pele had his first (first with us, not sure about lifetime) chiro and acupunture work up. He was a champ and looks like it was the right choice, as he zooms around with his mom. 🙄#halfhaltsaremeresuggestions

I think we are almost ready for show season.

January 2018

What a month. Can we all agree that the end of December and beginning of January was flippin miserable with the daily subzero temperatures?

The rest of the month was super. Horses back in work, and working well…..except Izzy.

Izzy has had about a month off bc of the weather and her saddle no longer fits. She looks like a brood mare. I’ve cut her grain, of course, but even in the dead of winter there is still grass in the field. Not only has the grass not gone into hiding but it is now COMING BACK. You heard me. Fields are turning green and I’ve cut grain on 4 horses so far.

It’s insane. Not even close to spring and here I am, waiting for Izzy’s new grazing muzzle to arrive 🙄

On a positive note, her new saddle arrived today! *break it down* 💃🏼

Once we have the saddle adjusted to her….voluptuous…. shape, we will be back in business and ready for the year!

Young Horses🙄 Autumn 2017

Papi, who we now lovingly call Pop Rocks, is doing well. Though he’s 3yo but he’s very much a year behind, at least, so he’s on the 2yo program for a while. He’s learning the fine art of longeing, verbal aids, not bolting from scary things….ya know, like the movement of wiping your nose🙄 (longe in Nikes, FYI).

We call him Pop Rocks, like the candy, because he’s quite sensitive to noise and movement…. he’s making the transition from Pablito’s Perignon to Papi to Pop Rocks very well. He’s beginning to settle into a routine and learning to appreciate work!🙌🏻

Pop Rocks simply needs exposure. He’s such a sweet kid, not a mean bone in his body but super sheltered.

Today, he walked the driveway to the hayfield with a long, low neck. First. Time. Ever. He also hand grazed without spooking too! #closertodomestic Another 3yo I have under me just had the most fluid, pleasant walk/trot/canter he’s ever had. #grit #consistency #patience. We also play with leg yields at walk and trot, while always focusing on balancing and aligning that giant canter of his.

Being in the horse world, you hear a lot of people chatting about this and that. Sometimes you hear things that make you chuckle under your breath. Sometimes they say it directly to you. When they discuss horses they no longer know, or, better yet, never knew….that’s the best opportunity to practice hiding your eye roll.

“Well it’s easy to bring them along when they’re so well bred.” Ha! Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing. That right there is one of the most asinine statements I’ve heard. Good breeding is just that. Breeders put a LOT of effort, thought, and time into creating a horse they hope is an improvement on the breed. Even so, a horse bred for great gaits and good temperament can come out as planned or it could be with average gaits and a bad temperament…but on paper they look stellar. It’s careful planning with a dash of luck.

I just don’t recommend telling a trainer how the horse is under saddle when you’ve never laid your eyes on it, let alone sat on it.

Maybe stay away from those blanket statements.

Meanwhile, in the land of ninja fillies, Cordelia, the perfect, little filly, is just the best young girl I could’ve wished for. We switched her to a new field that has enough grass to keep my angel happy😉 (and keep me sane!) Noisy Cricket (Izzy) is taking her job seriously of keeping Cordi away from other horses. Apparently, fraternizing with the boys is out of the question. (Good girl, Iz!)

November 2017

Thanksgiving is here!

The barn is very quiet…except for me and the horses. Izzy is a star, as always. Sometimes a shooting star (but not recently😜).

Papi’s list of nicknames is growing still. I’ve left Popsicle behind and frequently call him Poppy Seed. He’s confidently walking with a person and on his back in his stall. Yup….slowest backing EVER but he requires it. Building this once-feral critter’s confidence is the main priority and he’s coming along so well. It’s a bit gut wrenching to watch him deal with all the shenanigans we require from him, which is really normal happenings of any horse and barn.

Farouche and her mom are making huge strides! Mom had a longe lesson and she sat the trot for the entire lesson! Her stamina and body development has increased 10 fold. It made my day! Her young mare is now learning the elements of second level and for the very first time, got counter canter on BOTH leads. The right lead has always been fairly solid while the left lead is always a priority. Six months ago we toyed with counter canter to see how far away it was. Right lead was close, left lead was not in the same hemisphere. I left it alone for six months and I brought it up a few days ago….. she nailed the right lead but left lead she still had questions. So we finished in walk work keeping the same positioning as if we were in counter canter.

Fast forward 4 days and, just like that, we had counter canter in BOTH directions and Farouche was settled and carried on like it was normal 😂. Shoulder in, haunches in. Check and check. She’s LOVING the challenge of new things (and loves it more when mom rides). The pair is making incredible progress and I am so happy to watch it.

Thank goodness for Draper Therapies products to help the horses recover from hard workouts!

Cordelia is growing, of course. Once again is butt high. She looks like a stork with a pear shaped belly! Oy. Today was the first day I left her in the field alone while I rode Izzy and she was fine. Yes, she called and scooted around for a hot minute but she settled and got over herself quickly. What a relief!!

2017, Wrap It Up

What a year!

Noisy Cricket now has her first year of recognized shows under her belt. She improved at every show. Her body is changing with her training and she’s becoming quite a nice pony and, dare I say, reliable.🙀

Cordelia is as charming as ever. 🙄Sassy, little sh>€. Love her to death but she is very lucky she’s cute because she does have hilariously, epic tantrums. I cannot wait to get her started. She’s totally over being a field horse. I tell her daily that she’s just too young. “You’re not of age yet, girl. Put the beer down. Your friends are waiting for you on the swingset.”

Pele will be 21yo in February and he’s doing better than ever. Loves to work and sulks when he doesn’t at least go for a stroll with his mom. Love his huge, Darwin heart.

Farouche and Popstar are both climbing the mountain we call training and they are both doing incredibly well.

We have a gray horse, James, and his mom that moved in in August. His mom, Sam, is a huge asset to the barn. This girl busts her butt. Goes to school, works off board, rides, family obligations. She’s a stellar person with a good heart. We are all happy she’s here.

Maddy came back during her winter break from school. HALLELUJAH! She’s been helping me with Popstar and I must say that she has come so far, and fast, learning how to start a young horse. It is also a good way to decide if becoming a trainer is the right move for you. The emotions and feelings an unbroke and/or young horse throws at you can be a huge turnoff. Maddy is perfect for it though. Super coachable, naturally relaxed, good attitude.

My sponsor Draper Therapies is the best company I’ve had the pleasure of working with. My horses and myself live in their products. Becky is fantastic to work with as well. Great communication and they work with Beastly Rescue, donating some proceeds to that dog rescue. They give back and I love and respect them for it.

On the “life got real” side, there were some who lost their lives. We grieved. There were some born into the world. We rejoiced. I started yoga again to help my body and become grounded. Yoga is more than stretching and strengthening for me. It’s therapeutic. Today, New Years Eve, Bridget and Maddy joined us at yoga. It was their first time and I was so happy at how open minded and willing they are. It was a great way to end the year.

Next year will be busy and full of first times for many of the horses and riders. 🎉

2018, Hit Me with Your Best Shot